I’m so grateful for the abundance of joy and growth my son has brought into my life. Motherhood is a joy, but it was never designed to be easy. We are all learning how to be Moms every step of the way and I am no different. We spend most of our days pouring into everyone else - our children, our partners, our loved ones - for some reason Moms are wired to put ourselves last (if at all). Motherhood should really be celebrated every day but this Mother’s Day I invite you to do something special and prioritize yourself.
Today is also a difficult day for many, full of heartache and loss. If you are away from your Mom this Mother’s Day, if you’re recovering from a pregnancy loss or struggling with another IVF round, if you are estranged from your Mom or mourning her loss, I see you. I am also holding space for the variety of emotions and feelings this can bring up for you.
Last but not least at all, I hope that what this Mother’s Day brings is an awareness of what Moms really need: mandatory paid family leave, affordable child care, access to maternal mental health services, equal pay for equal work, and access to health care that doesn’t depend on employment status. And Sleep. Lot’s of Sleep, please. 💤
To all the Mamas out there, I see you and I celebrate you today and Every. Single. Day. Happy Mother’s Day!
#HappyMothersDay #MothersDayGift #Motherhood #momsupportingmoms #motherhoodjourney