The One Away Show and Talking with Bryan Wish

I’ve been so drawn to podcasting lately. I find that it’s a great way to dive into some powerful life themes, lessons, and ideas in a way that’s both informative and entertaining. It also takes the pressure off, as well because it just feels like a conversation. Recently, I had a chance to sit down with Bryan Wish at The One Away Show to dive headfirst into life.

The One Away Show

The One Away Show is a podcast hosted by Bryan Wish that touches on literally everything in life. The idea is that we’re all one decision away from something. This podcast talks about those make-or-break moments in our lives that can, or could have, changed everything.

It’s a fantastic concept when you think about it. Life is a journey, and every decision is a fork in the road. Choosing one instead of the other can lead you to places you never thought of going. That’s what The One Away Show is all about.

Talking with Bryan Wish

When I sat down with Bryan, I knew we’d be deep-diving into some key aspects of my life, and I was actually all about it. I think it’s important for all of us to share our stories and experiences to try to help others so I was eager to get right to it.

Our conversation, just like life, was messy at times, but by the end of it, it all made sense. We covered a surprising amount of ground, but the biggest highlights were the day my secretary told me I didn’t belong at the law firm, why I never competed with anyone, why my tax preparer hates me, and why my book is still unpublished. As I said, we covered a lot.

We’re All One Away

We’re all one decision away from something. Whether it’s mundane, miraculous, or something else, we’re all one decision away from something unexpected, which is what makes life so exciting and a bit scary. The ONe Way show focuses on those moments, and that’s why I love it so much. I had a blast chatting with Bryan Wish. I hope you’ll check out the podcast.