Sassy and Chic Apple Watches with Chalonne

If you’ve followed my blog or social media for any length of time, you know that I’m as passionate about fashion as I am about social justice and supporting mommas. That’s why I love my new discovery, Chalonne Apple Watch bands. They’re chic, stylish, and sassy.

Everything is a Fashion Statement

I’ve been in the fashion industry for years. I modeled for years, and I continue to model at times. My love of fashion led me to model, and modeling furthered my love of fashion. I’m a believer that everything you wear can and should be a fashion statement.

For example, people viewed glasses is purely utilitarian for years. They either wore contacts or just wore whatever glasses were available. However, over the years, people began to realize that glasses could also be fashion statements, and now there’s no end to the varieties of glasses out there. The same holds true for utilitarian items like smartwatches.

Fashion Forward Tech with Chalonne

Chalonne is a company that focuses on taking the plain look of Apple Watches and turning them into full-on fashion accessories. Why have a plain plastic band when you could have a fun color or print? Why keep it boring when you can turn your Apple Watch into another way to express your fashionable self?

That’s I love Chalonne so much. They have a huge variety of bands to help you keep things fashionable and fun. I chose a super cool print that even has a faux fur feel to it, so it has an interesting texture to go along with its look. It’s the full package.

A Day with Chalonne

You guys, I need to tell you HOW I chose my band. I attended the Chalonne launch event at the super posh Violetla. It was amazing. The dining courtyard was gorgeous, the people were amazing, and choosing my band was so much fun. They had an on-site design studio for all of us to design or bands right there on the spot. It was such a blast.

Make Your Apple Watch Amazing

Apple Watches can do so many things, and one of those things is to be fashionable. I’m such a believer in making every accessory count, and I love that now I can extend that to my smartwatch. Give Chalonne a look and make your own fashion statement.