Women Rising in Nebraska

Although I don’t share it as much as I do other things online, practicing law is a huge part of what I do and what I’m about. I firmly believe that the law is a powerful tool in activism, and I’ve put that idea to use for years. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Nebraska to meet some of my colleagues for the first time, and while there, we talked about women rising.

Women Rising in the Law (And in Nebraska)

When we think about making changes with the power of the law, we often think about places like Washington D.C., or New York City. But big changes are also happening in some of the less obvious states - like Nebraska!

When I traveled to Nebraska, I met up with colleagues that I’ve been working with remotely for years. Since the attorneys are based accross all 51 states, most of us had never met in person. It was an incredible experience to meet these inspiring attorneys in real life and to get to know them in an entirely new way.

Prior to the trip, the firm’s Womens group sent us all a book entitled “How Women Rise.” As an informal book club, we each read the book on our own and arrived at the retreat excited to share our thoughts on the manuscript. At the Women’s Dinner in Nebraska, talking about the book was the perfect ice breaker. We dove deep into “How Women Rise” and what it means for women to show up powerfully in the workplace. I’ve said before in other posts that we as women tend to make ourselves smaller, and we are working on changing that!

Rising Together

We talked about so many topics from the book that I couldn’t possibly cover them all here, but the takeaway was this: we are powerful. We live in a world that has often diminished women, even now, and the best way to stop that is to stop diminishing ourselves.

My colleagues and I want to see a change in the world, and that starts with us. Meeting these amazing women and taking a closer look at the equally amazing book further galvanized my belief in and commitment to the idea that when women rise to the power within them great things happen. That’s what I want all the women out there reading this to remember.

To see a change, we have to be the change. Once we do that, everything is possible. And we don’t have to do it alone - our alliances are our greatest stregnth.