A Village of Mothers: Lake Arrowhead

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I completely agree. Most people think of help with parenting when they think of this phrase, and I think that’s absolutely true. However, there’s another aspect, as well. It takes a village of mothers to lift each other up. I recently got to connect with my village, and it was everything I needed.

Fashion Mamas - A Village of Mothers

My village of mothers is my fellow Fashion Mamas. These ladies are my lifeline for this crazy ride called motherhood. As an entrepreneur, influencer, lawyer, and activist, I’ve had to juggle a metric ton of balls to keep everything going while raising my son. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. I feel absolutely fulfilled every day.

I also feel absolutely overwhelmed at times. Wearing all the hats I have can be exhausting, but I know I’ve got a core group of moms in the same boat as me, and we all row together. When I’m down, they lift me up. When I’m excited, they share my joy. It’s a community, and we all support one another.

Thanks to Koolabura by Ugg, I was recently able to head to Lake Arrowhead with my fellow fashion mamas. We kicked back and relaxed. We connected and recounted our recent motherhood and professional adventures and generally helped each other decompress. It was an amazing experience - as it always is with these ladies!

Find Your Village

I’m so lucky to have found my village with Fashion Mamas. If you’re a mom without a village, I encourage you to seek one out. Look for moms in your field or in your hobbies. Look for moms that you connect with and start forming that village that we all need as mothers.