Skincare Journey with DSM Aesthetics

Three women standing together.

My @dsmaesthetics Skincare Journey! 💕 I’ve always been a proponent of natural beauty. I have a meticulous skincare routine, almost never wear make up, never drink alcohol or smoke, + I drink tons of water. Being in the fashion industry since I was 13yo taught me the importance of taking care of my body and skin from the inside out. But it’s also important that I don’t become rigid or locked into any paradigm, whether it be food, politics, or relationships. Years of stress (hello legal career!), #singlemomlife, the pandemic, and just life in general starts to show on even the healthiest, most genetically blessed person. I started to feel defeated by the fact that my under-eye hollows made me look exhausted even when I was fully rested. The stress of showing up to a photoshoot looking ragged was becoming daunting. And so, after maximizing every natural remedy available, I made the huge decision to opt for mild cosmetic rejuvenation.
In my stories I received an overwhelming response to my share. Most people were supportive and agreed that we shouldn’t experience guilt about doing something that gives us a confidence boost and mental lift. As a first-timer, I was pretty nervous, but I had confidence in the fact that the medial staff and estheticians @dsmaesthetics understood the importance of creating a natural look + retaining facial expression & mobility.
I’ll always remain transparent here, so I am happy to share that I did get a minimal amount of both Botox and Restylane filler. The Botox in my jawline instantly helped my tmj and the Restalyne underneath my eyes made me feel refreshed and awake, both physically and psychologically. There are many misconceptions and stigmas about cosmetic injections because of the extreme examples we see in the media. But many people who initially said I shouldn’t do it, changed their minds once they saw my natural results, and even became supportive of the decision. All in all, I’m thrilled that I did it and am happy to talk to anyone who is considering it.
#skincarejourney #mixedskin #beautifulskin #selfcare #santaclarita