International Women's Day

“She’s not your Competition. She’s proof that it can be done.” - Unknown
As Women somehow we have been wired to believe we’re always in competition with the next one; whether it’s our beauty, physique, intellect or opportunity. Especially as Black women we have been trained to believe there’s only space for one of us and we treat each other as such.

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Rolling with Golden Horse Skates

Unlocking 🔑 Lockdown in my new Golden Horse Skates! 🛼 Since I was a little girl I’ve always loved rollerblading and dancing on skates. It’s been a few years since I’ve been on wheels and I’m so excited to relearn. This is just Day 1 of my journey and I’ll be posting more videos of my progress.

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LA Magazine's 60th Anniversary at the Victorian

Los Angeles Magazine invited me to join them in an experiential dinner celebrating their 60th Anniversary. Hosted by Josef Vann and Maer Roshan, in partnership with Cadillac, the theme was Never Stop Arriving. Cadillac coined this term with the mindset of fearless evolution and not defining ourselves by what we used to be - or by what others thought we were - but by evolving to lead the future we see ahead of us. Curated around this mentality, the elegant and socially distanced event took place at The Beach Club Santa Monica at the Victorian.

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CAUSE TOGETHER: An Announcement!

I am thrilled to finally announce that I recently launched a passion project with my good friend, Rhiannon Dourado - Cause Together. Cause Together is a new platform for people to share their favorite volunteer organizations and non-profit companies. We created the platform to as a resource for anyone wanting to bring more social good into their community. You can support vetted nonprofits that generally have little additional budget for marketing and help them to get the exposure they deserve. Our platform will help you find volunteer opportunities and connect with your community IRL.

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Achieving Healthy Balance with Medterra CBD

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I struggle with energy crashes during the day because I can’t drink coffee. (I’m sensitive to caffeine and coffee gives me the shakes). I’ve tried taking B vitamins, extra vitamin D, green tea and other natural supplements but nothing quite combats the #Momlife exhaustion. In my stories this past week I shared my trial with @medterracbd Good Morning + Good Night capsules and I’ve had tremendous success!

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Latinx Heritage Month

As part of the Fashion Mamas Diversity Committee initiative, we are hosting monthly Mama Markets that highlight and uplift the different cultures in our community. We kicked off #LatinxHeritageMonth yesterday with the Fashion Mamas #LatinxMamaMarket x Havaianas event. In the wake of mourning our loss of RBG, THE Warrior of Women, I just want to hold my Mamas even tighter, love them harder and stand with them like we did today.

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Mixed in America

Being mixed doesn’t just affect how you look, it affects how you view the world. We embrace duality. We see it as our power. We feel a responsibility to bridge the gap. We provide empathy where we see it lacking. We encourage others to challenge their ideas in the way the world has challenged us. We reckon with the idea that our existence begs important questions. We are the definition of diversity, so we understand the necessity for it. We are misunderstood yet we seek to understand…

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A Colorful Community

I am lucky that my circle of friends has always been intentionally multicultural and diverse, but I worked HARD for that. Never having fit in anywhere, I sought to fit in everywhere. I had to actively seek to understand other people's backgrounds and cultures, to learn more about their struggles and where we connected in our shared human experience. Embracing my differences and uniqueness unapologetically made me more open minded and accepting of the same in others. The beautiful result of this hard work is that my life is enriched by a multicultural community, I’m able to traverse complex environments with a sense of versatility, and I learned to live an authentic experience from inside of me, rather than performing for outside expectations or prescribed norms.

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Shot at the stunning Oaks Club in Valencia, California, O’Gara Coach and Rolls-Royce Beverly Hills partnered with BB Lifestyle for the shoot providing a modern twist to the elegant theme with 2020 Rolls-Royce Phantom in a classic, British racing green. Alongside the O’Gara vehicle, world-renowned Peterson Automotive Museum provided a 1927 Rolls-Royce Phantom previously owned by Fred Astaire in the matching British coloring.

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The Fashion of Race

The truth is, I became a Fashion Model because I didn’t feel pretty. As a little girl, being biracial meant that I never fit in and I felt too “different” to feel accepted. I never felt like I was “enough” of anything - “Black enough” or “White enough”. Since fashion is one of the most powerful cultural influencers in our society, I believed that becoming a model would provide outside validation - and allow me to finally accept myself.

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Talking to Children about Race

I very purposely gave my son the middle name Malcolm to honor my favorite Civil Rights activist, Malcolm X. Malcolm X had the audacity to challenge racism and systemic prejudice in a way that didn’t make people feel comfortable, but it caused them to question their bias. My challenge now will be modeling and teaching my son the tools he will need to use his privilege for social justice. Likewise, I will raise my son to recognize when something is wrong and to use his privileges in a positive way by making it right.

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